Types Of Tetras
Types Of Tetras. If you can imagine a color, pattern, or shape, odds are there’s a type of tetra to match your dream. To date, over 700 species of tetras have been identified, with more being discovered all the time.
If you can imagine a color, pattern, or shape, odds are there’s a type of tetra to match your dream. Tetras themselves are often partially or completely carnivorous, so avoid keeping them with fry or small shrimps that they may feed on. They won’t even school with neon or cardinal tetras.
Flame Tetras Are Also One Of The Smaller Types Of Tetras A Maximum Length Of 1.2 Inches.
Below is a list of 90 different types of tetra found in the fishkeeping hobby, both rare & common. There are other tetras that are kept as pets. Tetras are typically small, brightly colored fish that grow no longer than 2 inches in length (though some, such as the disk tetra, grow much larger).
The Black Neon Tetra Fish Is The Right Choice For New And Seasoned Aquariums.
You can mix them with other types of tetras like neon tetra, black neon tetra, cardinal tetra, glowlight tetra, and many more. In rainbow tetra, the dorsal fin is more triangular and shorter. Dwarf cichlids from south america;
The Body Is Mostly Black And Dark Green With Some Undertones.
To date, over 700 species of tetras have been identified, with more being discovered all the time. Hence, they can be easily found and are inexpensive. This fish features an amazing coloration that features iridescent blue, violet, gold, and bright orange.
“Pristella Tetra” Is The Common Name For The Pristella Maxillaris Species.
Each tetra type has a set of features that sets them apart from other aquarium fish. But here are several of the other best tetras for keeping in your home or office aquariums. This includes bucktooth tetras, serpae tetras, and panda tetras.
Low Maintenance And Quick Treatment.
So sit, relax, and enjoy! Diet and food they are omnivorous. Apart from red, blue, and silver bodied neon tetras,(the first fish that fascinated me), there are a lot more types of neon tetras.
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